要用心的讀我的部落格哦﹗Read my blog with your heart!

Saturday, October 6, 2007



私の学校(Faculty of Resource and Science Technology)です。学校は櫻アパートのそばです。


Tuesday, September 25, 2007

I can sleep on the mooncake...hehe..so big like a mattress...

Today is Mooncake Festival. However, I seem so lonely in univerisity busy with my study. Feel so good when I see this giant mooncake..I feel like I want to sleep on the mooncake tonight rather than eat it. Hahahaha.....

Photo taken on August 28, 2006 show a giant mooncake with a diameter of 220 centimeters and a height of 40 centimeters in a resraurant in Haikou, capital of south China’s Hainan Province. The mooncake, made with 344 kilograms of lotus paste, 34 kilograms of salted egg yolk, 34 kilograms of peanut oil, and 100 kilograms of flour, is expected to attract hordes of eaters as the Mid-autumn Day draws near.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

My Japanese diary

土曜日、9月22日 天気: 朝は暑い、午後は雨

今日は早く起きなさい。朝は友達の家にいます、一緒に植物生理学を宿題しています。ああ~最近はとても忙しいですよ!!微生物と免疫学と植物生理学の宿題は難しいです。そして、来週の月曜日は植物生理学のプレゼンテーションです。 でも、がんばりましょう!

火曜日と金曜日は日本語の授業です。この日本語の授業は大好きです。私は日曜日教会え行きます。私の教会はSMC-Samarahan Methodist Centreです。私はキリストを信じています。知っていますか?神は愛です!それでわ、貴方の生活は楽しいです。


Monday, July 2, 2007

バイオテクノロジの物語(日本語、英語と中国語)About Biotechnology..(Japanese, English and Chinese version)

From July 2007 on, I will start my 2nd year of Biotechnology. I am going to study Immunology, Advanced Microbiology, Advanced Biochemistry, General Physiology and Developmental Biology on the 1st semester. Hopefully I can get my favourite course too, Japanese language!!


バイオテクノロジー(生物工学)は生物学の知見を元にし、実社会に有用な利用法をもたらす技術の総称。特に遺伝子操作をする場合には、遺伝子工学と呼ばれる場合もある。 具体的には醸造発酵の分野から、再生医学や創薬、農作物の品種改良など様々な技術を包括する言葉で、農学薬学医学歯学理学獣医学工学と密接に関連する。金融経済市場などで、これらを取り扱う企業活動などを説明する際に頻用される言葉である。
Biological technology is technology based on biology, especially when used in agriculture, food science, and medicine. The United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity has come up with one of many definitions of biotechnology.
"Biotechnology means any technological application that uses biological systems, living organisms, or derivatives thereof, to make or modify products or processes for specific use."
Before the 1970s, the term, biotechnology, was primarily used in the
food processing and agriculture industries. Since the 1970s, it began to be used by the Western scientific establishment to refer to laboratory-based techniques being developed in biological research, such as recombinant DNA or tissue culture-based processes. In fact, the term should be used in a much broader sense to describe the whole range of methods, both ancient and modern, used to manipulate organic matter to meet human needs. So the term can be defined as, "The application of indigenous and/or scientific knowledge to the management of (parts of) microorganisms, or of cells and tissues of higher organisms, so that these supply goods and services of use to human beings.
There has been a great deal of talk - and money - poured into biotechnology with the hope that miracle drugs will appear. While there do seem to be a small number of efficacious drugs, in general the biotech revolution has not happened in the pharmaceutical sector. However, recent progress with monoclonal antibody based drugs, such as Genentech's Avastin (tm) suggest that biotech may finally have found a role in pharmaceutical sales.
Biotechnology combines disciplines like genetics, molecular biology, biochemistry, embryology and cell biology, which are in turn linked to practical disciplines like chemical engineering, information technology, and robotics.


醫療領域:在目前這方面的研究受到極大的注目。像是幹細胞應用於再生醫學領域,如人工臟器、神經修復等。或是以蛋白質結構解析數據,對於功能性區域(domain)來開發相對應的抑制劑(如:酵素抑制劑)。利用微陣列核酸晶片,或是蛋白質晶片,尋找致病基因。或是利用抗體技術,將毒素送入具有特殊標記的癌細胞。或利用基因轉殖技術,進行基因治療等。基因治療 ( gene therapy )利用分子生物學方法將目的基因導入患者體內,使之表達目的基因產物,從而使疾病得到治療,為現代醫學和分子生物學相結合而誕生的新技術。基因治療作為新疾病治療的新手段,給一些難治疾病的根治帶來了光明。
農學食糧:人口快速膨脹,食糧問題正是生物技術應用的切入點。在基因轉殖農作物的開發下,除了轉殖進入抗蟲害基因、抗凍基因外,例如含有維生素A的稻米也問世。在有限耕地下,轉殖農作物解決了品質上的問題。除此之外,觀賞用的花卉等,也靠著組織培養的技術,將高品質的花卉複製生產,提高花卉價值。著名的像是台灣的蝴蝶蘭。另外,經過遺傳工程技術,能產生凝血因子的乳牛也提供醫療用途。生物肥料( biofertilizer )主要利用微生物技術製作的肥料種類。生物肥料不僅給作物提供養料、改善品質、增強抗寒抗蟲害能力、還改善土壤通透性、保水性、酸鹼度等理性化特性,可為
作物根系創造良好生長環境,從而保證作物的增產。生物農藥 ( biopesticide )利用微生物、抗生素和基因工程等產生有殺滅蟲病效果的毒素物質,生產出廣譜毒力強的微生物菌株製作而成的農藥。它的特點有:1.不像化學農藥般見效快,但效果持久。2.與化學農藥比,害蟲難以產生抗藥性。3.對環境影響小。4.對人體和作物的危害性小。5.使用範圍和方法有限制;等等。
軍事科技:基因工程武器(genetic engineering weapon)簡稱基因武器,例子有:插入眼鏡蛇毒液基因的流感病毒和含有

テレサテンの日本語のカラオケ(Teresa Teng's Japanese karaoke)

I love to sing Teresa Teng's Japanese songs! So melodious and easy to learn. This vcd is recorded of NHK 1985's concert in Tokyo, very nice!

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

When I was in the Singapore's zoo....

I was sweating all the way when in Singapore zoo. Singapore's zoo was really an interesting place to visit. I can experience so many animals' presentation....They are so wise and amazing.....hehe....

日本の物(Japanese stuffs)

These are all my valuable and favourite belongings. All are Japanese......

(This is Japanese book-Kinokuniya book store)

(Japanese sandle. cute!)

(Fried noodle and udon's banner, like it so much.)

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

シンガポールの写真(Photos of Singapore)

I have been 16 years not going to Singapore. My last trip to Singapore was at 6 years old!!
Now, I am 22 years old and going to experience it once again. These are some of the photos
I took in Singapore.

(Monkey's family)

These monkeys were really funny, they know to arrange and sit together to have a family photo..hehehe...very interesting rit?

(nice dining place)

So many nice foods to choose inside here..they decorate the place as 70's century...very special..

(Kinokuniya's Book store)
So many Japanese books and magazines....I love it...

(strawbery and cherry)

(This is unagi dinner, delicious!!)
This is my favourtie fish of Japanese dishes...so yummy..have u ever try it?Hehe....

Polar Bear...可愛いね!
(Polar Bear..cute is it?)

Polar bear...水の中
(Polar bear in the water)

(What is this?)

(Nice !)

(Am I cute?)
I like this photo, smiley face although it was a hot day in the Singapore zoo.


(Here is Singapore's zoo)



(Singapore’s journey 16June-26June)

I just came back from Singapore last night. However, I am very emotional and seem to cry everyday since I broke one of my front tooth few days ago when having dinner!! What a ridiculous and cruel fact to me. When it just happened, it was indeed a great disaster to me…OH MY GOD, how am I going to face everyone? I don’t even dare to talk, smile and eat as well as normal!! I have no good image now, so hopeless and lack of confidence!!

On 24 June, it was actually so cheerful for me to have a Japanese meal at Genki Sushi in Singapore. I ended up my Japanese dinner with sadness as my front tooth was broken when biting the sushi. I could’t believe my tooth had broken without any pain and sense!! Alas!! Since that night onwards, I was unable to talk whenever I go shopping in Singapore. I had no mood to buy things I like anymore as I know I am going to spend a great amount of money on dental treatment. I live terribly now as I hard to smile, talk and eat! The new tooth only can be done at least one month. I have to suffer for such a long period. I worry how am I going to face everybody when back to university for second year???

The lost of my tooth not the only the sadness when I was in Singapore. I was already taken ill when the day I went to Singapore alone. I didn’t feel excited and enjoyable as I kept coughing, exhausted and a bit drowsy after having my medicine. On 16 June, I arrived Singapore around 8pm. I slept early as was tired. The next day, my sick not yet recovered. So my brother brought me to Raffle Hospital at Bugis. The medical expense was about $50(more than RM100!!!) I was getting better after seeing the doctor..hehe..However, my toothache came on second day when I was shopping in the town. I was in no avail and went to see dentist nearby the shopping mall at Harbour Front. I was told that I had a tooth decay in the inner part of my mouth as the tooth mended before had gone serious. Dentist told me I should get rid of the teeth and cost me about $250+(more than RM500). My heart was severely hurt as I lost the money and my tooth.

On June 19. I had to attend a HACCP course at Singapore Polytechnic. Another disaster came again! One of my eyes was swollen and I was unable to open one of my eye when going to the class. What a terrible look with one eye???!!! The lecturer brought me to see doctor at the clinic again(the third time I went to see doctor in Singapore!!)
I was told that it was allergy on painkiller after I consumed for my dental treatment.

Shopping in Singapore was indeed a great enjoyment and fun. The shopping malls were grand enough and I was so easy to lost my direction. Wow! I found so many Japanese stuffs that I like everywhere I go. My favourite shops in Singapore are Daiso(The Japanese Supermarket) and Kinokuniya Bookstore at Takashimaya of Ochard Road. I went shopping in Daiso for whole day because there are too many nice things to see and I bought quite many Japanese decoration and foods from there. Every items from Daiso only cost $2!!!

There were so many delicious foods in Singapore. The bakeries have too many nice cakes and buns to choose! The food courts have too many kinds of foods to choose too! I love taking MRT from place to place, so convenient and fast! I hope to go Singapore again.

Friday, June 15, 2007


大学の住所-桜のアパート(Sakura Apartment)







普通の暮ししてたでしょうか(普通:ふっう暮:くら) 时の流れに身をまかせ(时:とき流:なが身:み)あなたの色に染められ(色:いろ染:そ)一度の人生それさえ(一度:いちど人生:じんせい)舍てることも构わない(舍:す构:かま)だからお愿いそばに置いてね(愿:ねが置:お)今はあなたしか爱せない(今:いま爱:あい)もしもあなたにきらわれたなら明日というひ なくしてしまうわ(明日:あした)约束なんかいらないけれど(约束:やくそく)おもいでだけじゃいきてゆけない时の流れに身をまかせ(时:とき流:なが身:み)あなたのむねによりそいきれいになれたそれだけでいのちさえもいらないわだからお愿いそばに置いてね(愿:ねが置:お)今はあなたしてみえないの(今:いま)时の流れにみをまかせあなたの色に染められ一度の人生それさえ舍てることも构わないだからお愿いそばに置いてね今はあなたしか爱せない

About Me

My photo
I am a biotechnology student. A girl whose like to study Japanease so much...Love sing Japanese Karaoke.Love cat so much.Like going shopping and reading nice books....My favourite places that I enjoy most are K box, Kinokuniya Bookstore and DAISO.